Friday, June 23, 2006

Beating the heat-- the art of tasting laban!!!!

As I said in my previous post, the one sure way to beat the Muscat heat is to have lots and lots of laban -- Assuming this to be a fact, you would want to have a lot of laban - probably all the time.

So if this is to be an important all consuming activity, then you might as well do it right.

Laban comes in all shapes and sizes of containers, and has as many flavours as the colours of the rainbow.

Since I have had so much of laban over the years, me and Saby, my side kick - forgive the pun - almost perfected the technique of laban tasting to an art form.

I am not consumed or put off by the material of the container - although Saby may not agree!!!

Afterall, It is only laban, not a Shiraz from Burgundy!!

Infact, I even prefer the paper containers, since they ARE PROBABLY EASY TO RECYCLE.

You pour your laban into a tall straight glass, and let it stand for about two minutes - the chill really clouds the taste, and we want that behind it.

Then you slowly sip the laban, and actually pour it into your mouth. If it does not pour easily, it is too thick - hence too much fat, and lots of extra jogging on the treadmill.

Then, you let the laban linger in your mouth - let it tease, and flirt with the taste buds; this can some times be, a real journey of ecstasy!!!

The best laban is smooth, very smooth, not greasy, with the sweeter part of the taste dominating the salty - if it is sour, this is too much acid, do not go near it!

The best taste I found was sweet with a touch of salt, like a lebanese woman walking past you on a moonlit sky!!

You can have your laban with ice, diluted with water and with salt, with lemon, with orange - the permutations can be endless - but the best is still chilled, undiluted, with lots of ice!!!

Saby always has it ith a bit of salt, lots of sugar and ice, but then she is the Baskins Robbins kid in the family, and who am I question her predilections????

So my friend, I bid maa salaam - with the wishes of many a lovely summer evenings - with chilled laban , and mozart on Oman FM!!


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